Non-Disclosure Agreement

We have a non-disclosure agreement with the clients which safeguards the client’s documents, Names and address completely. As a part of our agreement with our clients, we do not disclose their personal, Family, professional and Financial details to anyone and this is not just through the process of visa but also after Visa.

All the passwords are encrypted and once the visa is approved all the documents and exchange of mails will be archived and deleted permanently within 12 months from the date of visa with Mutual Consent.

In the Visas and Immigration Business we know it is very important to have client reviews for future business but not more important than having their life and careers secured. We do not embarrass our clients by having their visa copies pinned in the office without their permission and even if we do we blackout the Picture and Details so that their visas are secured and cannot be copied or replicated for illegal purposes.

We have an experience of over a decade, in this decade we have experienced embarrassing situations like some clients who ask for references and were obliged with a list of successes, they contacted the clients directly through Facebook etc ( we know how easy it is these days to find some one in the world ) and started contacting them randomly; which was embarrassing for clients especially females. The clients started getting angry on us for revealing their names and contacts and from a “thank you very much for helping me get a visa” compliment we had to now see “I will sue you guys legally for using my name and contacts” complaints.

There have been many cases where clients from respected backgrounds felt humiliated to have their photographs displayed in the front office and albums, while some were okay but we here in HGC wanted to make sure that we take complete confirmation before their Visas are displayed as per our contractual service agreement and do not want to be in legal tangle by not living by it.

We also know that new clients want to see what we have done in the past and we are okay with it, thus we remove the names and other delicate information before displaying the successes and as a client we want you to also think whether you will be “OKAY” to have your family, profession and other information displayed open to public in future before asking for the original copies of success?